Why is language an investment?

Dec 04, 2023

Children who grown up bilingual often have unique abilities such as code-switching (the practice of alternating between languages); Executive Functioning (attention control and language inhibition); educational benefits (improved academic performance, particularly in areas such as literacy and problem-solving); and identity formation (often including aspect of both cultures). At its core, bilingualism and the command of two or more languages, provides an inherent flexibility which is then outworked in the benefits listed above. 


Although learning command of a language is very much easier when one is young, these benefits can still be reaped later in life, although it might take longer!  


Just like intellectually-stimulating crosswords or sudoku, learning languages has cognitive benefits by accessing unused areas of the brain which improves memory, problem-solving skills, and multitasking abilities. Research has also shown that it can also delay the onset of neurodegenerative decline. 


Naturally, being proficient in more than one language improves your communication abilities. The obvious reason is that it allows one to interact with many more individuals, and across a broader geographic range.  This skill is increasingly becoming more valuable in our interconnected world by, in essence, providing global citizenship.


Arguably, fostering empathy and tolerance across cultural borders is vital in a highly globalized world. As culture and language are inextricably linked, learning additional languages provides a means to bridge these differences to make meaningful human-connections, even when perspectives are different from our own. 


Economically, multilingualism is highly valued by employers. Proficiency in multiple languages can open doors to job opportunities and grants access to information and resources.


Investing in language-learning is invaluable. The cognitive, social, cultural, and professional benefits that it offers are invaluable and contribute to a more interconnected, courteous and civil society.