From Business professionals with real business experience. 

Better quality, better results. 


We have a personalized approach so we don't change teachers every sesson. No one reaches their goals by doing that


Our curriculum is created to match your needs. This is hard to do, so most companies don't do it. 

We're different. 

Dynamic Business English Program


After completing over 14 639 one-on-one sessions with East Asian Business Executives, Managers and aspiring leaders, we know what we're doing.


We offer: 

  1.   Trained Coaches - more than 10 years in business and/or teaching English as a Foreign Language (TESOL/ TEFL). 

  2.   Customized materials that suit your interests and your industry. 

  3.   Feedback while you speak to help you refine, rephrase and speak more naturally. 

  4.   Written Feedback to help you revise and practice.

  5.   Quarterly goal setting, customized plans to achieve those goals with your consultant.

  6.   Essential Words and Phrases which you need to communicate clearly.

  7.    Group Sessions to gain confidence faster.

1:1 Coaching

Meet 1:1 with your coach

Group Coaching

Meet 2:1 or 3:1 with a coach 

Online Courses

Learn from our experts by topic

Interview Training 

Prepare for changing jobs

Frequently asked questions 

About Coaches:

About starting or enrolling:

When and how do I meet with my coach:

Receipts and session credit validity:

Interested in joining one of our Programs?

Apply today - spaces are limited.

We will contact you to discuss eligibility and options.

Quotes are provided after an eligibility assessment in a video call.